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Knowledge Base¶
Planning and Setup
Scylla Seed Nodes - Introduction on the purpose and role of Seed Nodes in Scylla as well as configuration tips.
Compaction - To free up disk space and speed up reads, Scylla must do compaction operations.
DPDK mode - Learn to select and configure networking for DPDK mode
POSIX networking for Scylla - Scylla’s POSIX mode works on all physical and virtual network devices and is useful for development work.
System Limits - Outlines the system limits which should be set or removed
Run Scylla as a custom user:group - Configure the Scylla and supporting services to run as a custom user:group.
How to Set up a Swap Space Using a File - Outlines the steps you need to take to set up a swap space.
Scylla under the hood
Gossip in Scylla - Scylla, like Cassandra, uses a type of protocol called “gossip” to exchange metadata about the identities of nodes in a cluster. Here’s how it works behind the scenes.
Scylla consistency quiz for administrators - How much do you know about NoSQL, from the administrator point of view?
Scylla Memory Usage - Short explanation how Scylla manages memory
Scylla Nodes are Unresponsive - How to handle swap in Scylla
CQL Query Does Not Display Entire Result Set - What to do when a CQL query doesn’t display the entire result set.
Snapshots and Disk Utilization - How snapshots affect disk utilization
Scylla Snapshots - What Scylla snapshots are, what they are used for, and how they get created and removed.
How does Scylla LWT Differ from Apache Cassandra ? - How does Scylla’s implementation of lightweight transactions differ from Apache Cassandra?
How to Change gc_grace_seconds for a Table - How to change the
parameter and prevent data resurrection.How to flush old tombstones from a table - How to remove old tombstones from SSTables.
Increase Cache to Avoid Non-paged Queries - How to increase the
Note: The KB article for social readers has been removed. Instead, please look at lessons on Scylla University or the Care Pet example
Configuring and Integrating Scylla
NTP configuration for Scylla - Scylla depends on an accurate system clock. Learn to configure NTP for your data store and applications.
Scylla and Spark integration - How to run an example Spark application that uses Scylla to store data?
Map CPUs to Scylla Shards - Mapping between CPUs and Scylla shards
Recreate RAID devices - How to recreate your RAID devices without running scylla-setup
Configure Scylla Networking with Multiple NIC/IP Combinations - examples for setting the different IP addresses in scylla.yaml
Analyzing Scylla
Using the perf utility with Scylla - Using the perf utility to analyze Scylla
Debug your database with Flame Graphs - How to setup and run a Flame Graph
Decoding Stack Traces - How to decode stack traces in Scylla Logs
Counting all rows in a table - Why counting all rows in a table often leads to a timeout