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Adding a New Data Center Into an Existing ScyllaDB Cluster¶
The following procedure specifies how to add a Data Center (DC) to a live ScyllaDB Cluster, in a single data center, multi-availability zone, or multi-datacenter. Adding a DC out-scales the cluster and provides higher availability (HA).
The procedure includes:
Install nodes on the new DC.
Add the new nodes to the cluster.
Update the replication strategy of the selected keyspace/keyspaces to use with the new DC.
Rebuild new nodes
Run full cluster repair
Update the Monitoring stack
Make sure to complete the full procedure before starting to read from the new datacenter. You should also be aware that the new DC by default will be used for reads.
The node/nodes you add must be clean (no data). Otherwise, you risk data loss. See Clean Data from Nodes below.
Log in to one of the nodes in the cluster, collect the following info from the node:
cluster_name -
grep cluster_name /etc/scylla/scylla.yaml
seeds -
grep seeds: /etc/scylla/scylla.yaml
endpoint_snitch -
grep endpoint_snitch /etc/scylla/scylla.yaml
ScyllaDB version -
scylla --version
Authenticator -
grep authenticator /etc/scylla/scylla.yaml
On all client applications, switch the consistency level to
(LOCAL_ONE, LOCAL_QUORUM,etc.) to prevent the coordinators from accessing the data center you’re adding.Install the new clean ScyllaDB nodes (See Clean Data from Nodes below) on the new datacenter, see Getting Started for further instructions, create as many nodes that you need. Follow the ScyllaDB install procedure up to
configuration phase. In the case that the node starts during the installation process follow these instructions.
Updating the cluster topology requires at least a quorum of nodes in a cluster to be available. If the quorum is lost, it must be restored before you change the cluster topology. See Handling Node Failures for details.
You can check the status of the nodes in the cluster using the nodetool status command.
Clean Data from Nodes¶
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/scylla/data
sudo find /var/lib/scylla/commitlog -type f -delete
sudo find /var/lib/scylla/hints -type f -delete
sudo find /var/lib/scylla/view_hints -type f -delete
Add New DC¶
Make sure all your keyspaces are using NetworkTopologyStrategy
. If this is not the case, follow the these instructions to fix that.
For each node in the existing data-center(s) edit the
file to use eitherEc2MultiRegionSnitch
- for AWS cloud-based, multi-data-center deployments.GossipingPropertyFileSnitch
- for bare metal and cloud (other than AWS) deployments.
Set the DC and Rack Names. In the
file edit the parameters listed below. The file can be found under/etc/scylla/
Ec2MultiRegionSnitch gives each DC and rack default names, the region name defined as datacenter name, and availability zones are defined as racks within a datacenter.
For example:
A node in the
region, us-east is the data center name, and 1 is the rack location.To change the DC names, do the following:
Edit the
file with the preferred datacenter name. The file can be found under/etc/scylla/
The dc_suffix defines a suffix added to the datacenter name as described below.
For example:
Region us-east
will beus-east_1_scylla
Region us-west
will beus-west_1_scylla
dc - Set the datacenter name
rack - Set the rack name
For example:
# cassandra-rackdc.properties # # The lines may include white spaces at the beginning and the end. # The rack and data center names may also include white spaces. # All trailing and leading white spaces will be trimmed. # dc=thedatacentername rack=therackname # prefer_local=<false | true> # dc_suffix=<Data Center name suffix, used by EC2SnitchXXX snitches>
In the existing datacenter(s), restart the ScyllaDB nodes one by one.
sudo systemctl restart scylla-server
docker exec -it some-scylla supervisorctl restart scylla
(without restarting some-scylla container)
For each node in the new datacenter edit the
file parameters listed below, the file can be found under/etc/scylla/
.cluster_name - Set the selected cluster_name.
seeds - IP address of an existing node (or nodes).
listen_address - IP address that ScyllaDB used to connect to the other ScyllaDB nodes in the cluster.
endpoint_snitch - Set the selected snitch.
rpc_address - Address for CQL client connections.
The parameters
need to match the existing cluster.In the new datacenter, set the DC and Rack Names (see step number three for more details).
In the new datacenter, start the ScyllaDB nodes one by one.
sudo systemctl start scylla-server
docker exec -it some-scylla supervisorctl start scylla
(with some-scylla container already running)
Verify that the nodes were added to the cluster using
nodetool status
.For example:
$ nodetool status Datacenter: US-DC ========================= Status=Up/Down |/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving -- Address Load Tokens Owns Host ID Rack UN 120.97 KB 256 ? c84b80ea-cb60-422b-bc72-fa86ede4ac2e RACK1 UN 109.54 KB 256 ? 129087eb-9aea-4af6-92c6-99fdadb39c33 RACK1 UN 104.94 KB 256 ? 0540c7d7-2622-4f1f-a3f0-acb39282e0fc RACK1 Datacenter: ASIA-DC ======================= Status=Up/Down |/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving -- Address Load Tokens Owns Host ID Rack UN 109.54 KB 256 ? c7686ffd-7a5b-4124-858e-df2e61130aaa RACK1 UN 109.75 KB 256 ? 39798227-9f6f-4868-8193-08570856c09a RACK1 UN 128.33 KB 256 ? 7a4957a1-9590-4434-9746-9c8a6f796a0c RACK1
When all nodes are up and running
the following Keyspaces in the new nodes:Keyspace created by the user (which needed to replicate to the new DC).
, for example, replicate the data to three nodes in the new DC.audit
- if enabled - replicate the data to three nodes in the new DC.
For example:
DESCRIBE KEYSPACE mykeyspace; CREATE KEYSPACE mykeyspace WITH replication = { 'class' : 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', '<exiting_dc>' : 3};
ALTER Command
ALTER KEYSPACE mykeyspace WITH replication = { 'class' : 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', '<exiting_dc>' : 3, <new_dc> : 3}; ALTER KEYSPACE system_distributed WITH replication = { 'class' : 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', '<exiting_dc>' : 3, <new_dc> : 3}; ALTER KEYSPACE system_traces WITH replication = { 'class' : 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', '<exiting_dc>' : 3, <new_dc> : 3};
DESCRIBE KEYSPACE mykeyspace; CREATE KEYSPACE mykeyspace WITH REPLICATION = {'class’: 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', <exiting_dc>:3, <new_dc>: 3}; CREATE KEYSPACE system_distributed WITH replication = { 'class' : 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', '<exiting_dc>' : 3, <new_dc> : 3}; CREATE KEYSPACE system_traces WITH replication = { 'class' : 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', '<exiting_dc>' : 3, <new_dc> : 3};
nodetool rebuild
on each node in the new datacenter, specify the existing datacenter name in the rebuild command.For example:
nodetool rebuild <existing_data_center_name>
The rebuild ensures that the new nodes that were just added to the cluster will recognize the existing datacenters in the cluster.
Run a full cluster repair, using nodetool repair -pr on each node, or using ScyllaDB Manager ad-hoc repair
If you are using ScyllaDB Monitoring, update the monitoring stack to monitor it. If you are using ScyllaDB Manager, make sure you install the Manager Agent and Manager can access the new DC.
Configure the Client not to Connect to the New DC¶
This procedure will help your clients not to connect to the DC you just added.
The example below is for clients using the Java driver. Modify this example to suit your needs.
One way to prevent clients from connecting to the new DC is to temporarily restrict them to only use the nodes which are in the same DC as the clients. This can be done by ensuring the operations are performed with CL=LOCAL_* (for example LOCAL_QUORUM) and using
created by callingwithLocalDc("dcLocalToTheClient)
.Example of DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy creation:
variable = DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy.builder() .withLocalDc("<name of DC local to the client being configured>") .withUsedHostsPerRemoteDc(0) .build();
Once the new DC is operational you can remove “withUsedHostsPerRemoteDc(0)” from the configuration and change CL to the previous value.